In life’s unexpected turns, Grace-St. Paul’s Church is here for you.
Pastoral Care meets you where you are.
Compassionate listening
Pastoral care is being heard with a compassionate listener who carries a prayerful heart. Marital difficulties, grief and loss, health struggles, career and financial concerns, and family challenges are among the many areas a clergy person might spiritually walk beside someone. All pastoral conversations are held in confidence.
A member of clergy is available to any parishioner in the event of an emergency (death, serious illness, or accident) and will respond promptly. Please email our priest and tell us that you have an emergency and urgently need contact. Also tell us how to contact you. Pastoral care and support begin with this initial contact.
Baptism to Burial
Our clergy provides appropriate administration, instruction, and guidance for the sacraments (Baptism and Holy Eucharist) as well as the Pastoral Offices, or sacramental rites of the church: (Confirmation/Reception/Reaffirmation, Holy Matrimony, Thanksgiving for the Birth or Adoption of a Child, Reconciliation of a Penitent, Ministrations to the Sick, and Burial of the Dead). If you need any of these services, please call the Parish Office at (609) 586-6004.
Clergy Visitation
Our clergy regularly visit parishioners who are homebound and/or unable to attend church services. If you know a parishioner who wants to be included in these visits, please contact the Parish Office at (609) 586-6004.
Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Ministers also regularly visit parishioners unable to attend church services to administer Holy Communion and provide one-on-one fellowship. To arrange for this service please contact the Parish Office at (609) 586-6004.
Prayer Chain
Prayer requests, both petitions and thanksgivings, are offered daily by members of the Grace-St. Paul’s Prayer Chain, as well as in the Prayers of the People in Sunday worship. Requests may be made through the Parish Office at (609) 586-6004.