One-Time Gifts

All things come from thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.

1 Chronicles 29:14

Through your generous support, the mission and ministry of Grace-St. Paul’s thrives. To make an online gift, please use this link:

*When using PayPal, please enter your name and/or envelope number in the notes, and any additional information about the offering.

Pledge to contribute over time

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.

Deuteronomy 6:5

Being good stewards,
let’s bring all of who we are,
and all that has been entrusted to us,
to bear upon our life of faith.

For the greater glory of God!

Grace-St. Paul’s relies upon the generosity of all of its members. In order to plan a budget, prepare for expenses throughout the year, and effectively engage in long-term ministry, we appreciate your donation pledge.

*When using PayPal, please enter your name and/or envelope number in the notes, and any additional information about the offering.

with your Time & Talent!


Volunteers are indispensable at Grace-St. Paul’s! It is through their support and service that the church’s vital programs of outreach get accomplished.

Volunteer positions are open to all individuals who are willing to share their time and talents to help the church and our surrounding community. From an hour to a weekend, whatever time you can donate is a welcome addition to our volunteer forces.

  • Buildings & Grounds

  • Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

  • Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS)

  • Church School

  • Altar Guild

  • Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM)

  • Crucifer-Server

  • Acolyte

  • Eucharistic Visitor

  • Prayer Chain

  • Memorial Garden

  • Stewardship

  • Coffee Hour

  • The Bromley Center

Other ways to Support

Gift Card Fundraiser

E-cards can be purchased through linked accounts (no deadline)
Enrollment Code: C72L8A7L36754