Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS)
The Girls’ Friendly Society is an international, non-profit, nondenominational organization originally founded in England in 1875 by Mary Elizabeth Townsend. It was the first organization for women in the Church of England. Many young girls were sent from their towns and villages to work in the mills or as domestic help and GFS provided a safe place to experience friendship, recreation and support in a fellowship of Christian love. In 1877, Elizabeth Mason established the first GFS United States branch in Lowell, Mass. GFS members assisted young women entering this country by providing housing, help in finding jobs and additionally played a role in establishing the Travelers Aid Society. Currently GFS has 46 chapters in the United States and over 610 worldwide.
Today, the purpose of GFS is to provide girls with a support system aimed at developing the whole person. Through a program of worship, outreach, study and recreation, we strive to empower girls, allowing them to develop their talents and skills and gain the self-esteem and confidence for coping in a complex adult world. Our leaders come from all walks of life and our branch attracts girls from diverse socioeconomic, racial and cultural backgrounds as well as those with different faith backgrounds or those with no faith background at all. Along with fun activities and fellowship, current social justice issues and everyday challenges are discussed to increase girls’ understanding of others and to help them think through their own values and choices. Service to our church and community is a primary focus for our GFS Mercerville girls.
“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the Law of Christ”
— Galatians 6:2
Our girls are given the opportunity to be part of an international network, participate as a team in service programs and parish activities, increase spiritual understanding and explore their role in the world. Here at our Mercerville Chapter, several of our girls and leaders have been fortunate to attend World Council in Australia and one of our own girls represents GFS USA as a Junior Delegate. Additionally our girls have represented GFS at ECW Triennials in Salt Lake City, Utah and Austin, Texas. We were a visible presence, assisting in whatever role ECW required and even presented 2 workshops.
Girls between the ages of 5 to 21 are invited to join us in our GraSP chapter and many bring along friends. Opportunities to become a GFS USA Ambassador and branch leaders as they approach their late teens.
Want to know more?! Please contact Lydia Kugler: